It was almost over before it even started.  Just two days before Christmas, “Heroes of Liberty” landed on Facebook’s naughty list.  Without warning or explanation, the social media behemoth notified the newborn publishing house that their advertising account had been “permanently disabled” for running afoul of their “policy on Low Quality or Disruptive Content.”  The heroes’ crime?  Publishing three, conservative, children’s books chronicling the lives of former United States President Ronald Reagan, Supreme Court Justice Amy Comey Barrett, and Stanford University economist, Thomas Sowell.

Bethany Mandel, editor of the new imprint, described Facebook’s backdoor censorship as “a real blow,” tweeting, “We invested much of our seed capital in building our brand on Facebook.”  But with their ad account mothballed, “We lost all the data that we carefully gathered for the last six months…  The consequences to our business could be devastating.”

The marketing consultants at explain: “Your Facebook ad account is crucial.”  It allows companies to buy ads, measure results, and directly engage with potential customers.  Without it, “Your Facebook marketing campaign just gets lost.”  By disabling an ad account, Facebook can slyly tell ventures, like “Heroes for Liberty,” to get lost.

Facebook now says it has reversed its “final decision.”  “Heroes” is, once again, free to throw good money after Facebook’s bad faith.  But in the words of John Wayne, an upcoming star in the children’s book series, Big Tech’s censorship of conservatives is “getting to be ri-goddamn-diculous.”