“I tried to interview Vladimir Putin”, says Tucker Carlson in an exclusive interview with the Swiss weekly Weltwoche. But: “the US government stopped me”.

No media outlet, no politician, no public figure came to his defence, Carlson adds.  Nobody said: “Wait a second. I may not like this guy, but he has a right to interview anyone he wants, and we have a right to hear what Putin says.”

Are we not allowed to hear his voice? “Because why?”, asks veterannewscaster, who scores record viewer ratings in the US.

Actually, it is the "job of the news media" to report from all perspectives about this war, that is a potential nuclear conflict between superpowers. But journalists “do exactly the opposite.”

Read the full interview with Tucker Carlson on the mainstream media’s manipulation machine, the disturbing state of the Biden family and his Post-Fox News Order – in the latest edition of Die Weltwoche.