A fresh new poll from The New York Times confirms that President Joe Biden has gone stale. Despite outspending current criminal defendant and former president Donald J. Trump eight to one on political ads, Biden is trailing the GOP brawler in five out of six swing states. In Nevada, a state that hasn’t chosen a Republican presidential candidate in two decades, Trump is trouncing Biden by twelve points. Pennsylvania has only turned red once since a young Arkansas Democrat named Bill Clinton won the Keystone State (with an assist from Ross Perot). That distinction goes to Trump in 2016. He now leads Biden by three points.

Even more humbling for the Biden reelection effort, likely voters in those same swing states favor a generic Democrat for Senate. As the liberal New Republic magazine puts it, “Democrats have a Joe Biden problem.”

The Biden team insists that the public hasn’t started paying attention, yet. But the public has been paying close attention to their grocery bills. Since Biden shuffled into the Oval Office, food prices have skyrocketed 21 percent. Democratic insider and party honcho Donna Brazile tells Politico, “The thing that keeps me up at night is the enthusiasm gap.” Former Obama White House advisor Van Jones says Biden’s dismal poll numbers “should be a wake-up call.” But despite the warnings, Sleepy Joe appears to be whistling past the care home.