A funny thing has happened on the way to the November presidential election.  The GOP frontrunner is in serious contention to win the youth vote, while the Democratic incumbent is scoring with retirees.  The most recent New York Times poll of likely voters has President Joe Biden up just two points among the under-30 crowd, a group he ran away with by 24 points in 2020.  Meanwhile, the same Times survey shows the 81-year-old with a commanding 9-point advantage among likely voters ages 65 and up, a group Trump put away by three points in 2020.  If current trends hold, Biden will become the first Democratic presidential candidate in a quarter century to win older voters, while Trump could pull off a Republican miracle with the youth vote not seen by in over three and half decades. It's a generational flip that's flipping out Beltway pundits.

The Biden team is leaning in.  Last week, after jetting between Paris and Hunter Biden's gun trial in Delaware, First Lady Jill Biden was joined by 86-year-old Jane Fonda to extoll the virtues of Biden's advanced years.  The aging celebrity love-fest continued, Saturday night, at a Hollywood fundraiser co-hosted by 63-year-old George Clooney with a performance by 82-year-old Barbra Streisand. With tickets costing $250 to $500,000 a pop, American Boomers with cash to burn are Amtrak Joe's electoral sweet spot.